Guidance for Professional Women

As a depth psychologist, Dr. Sherrie Allen uses C. G. Jung’s work on typology and the unconscious to help individuals understand their personality types with the Myers Briggs Typology Indicator. Using the MBTI instrument, singles and couples discover how and why their personality type either compliments or may cause conflicts in their relationship. When we understand our personality preference and how that personality preference operates unconsciously, we are able to understand and take responsibility for those relationships with the people we love, cherish, and respect.

As a certified Myers Briggs practitioner and Relationship Psychologist, Dr. Sherrie is professionally trained to administer and interpret this thoroughly detailed MBTI assessment to help clients understand their personality preferences on a deep and profound level.

Dr. Sherrie Allen saw the possibilities inherent in adopting MBTI as a tool to powerfully benefit interpersonal relationships in ways that had been wholly ignored in its use in personal and romantic relationships until now.

With the common denominator in the professional and interpersonal realm, human beings now have access to power through this useful tool. Dr. Sherrie realized that there was only an upside to applying the MBTI assessment to all phases of intimate relationships, from pursuit to inception to the maturation of the relationship. She understood that even the breakdown of a relationship could benefit from examining all relationships through the lens of Myers-Briggs.

Additionally, Dr. Sherrie focuses on the idea of singles and couples consciously connecting spiritually instead of solely in romantic partnerships. A spiritual partnership is based on Gary Zukav’s book, Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power. Drs. Melvin and Sherrie say, “Modern relationships, for the most part, have evolved beyond the stereotypical relationship model, where the focus is on happiness and freedom from our issues. Spiritual partnership requires focus on the health and well-being of the relationship, and it includes bumping up against our issues in order to grow spiritually. The couple embraces their opportunities to confront their relationship issues in order to individuate and heal old wounds from childhood, rather than focus on what Zukav calls, ‘Physical comfort and safety’."

Her work invites the couple to put their relationship first, barring abuses of any kind, and work on growing spiritually in partnership with each other, which means consciously embracing themselves and their partner and identifying effective pathways to fulfillment on their relationship journey.

Both singles and couples now have access to their personality traits and blind spots as never before. This awareness can inform previously unseen needs and preferences that operate at the core of unconscious behavior and impact all relationships.